Counting Books for Kids

Counting books are a wonderful way to introduce the concept of numbers and number order to toddlers, preschoolers, and kids of all ages. Books are such a fun and interactive way to introduce the idea of counting.

Counting Books

Ideally, you will pair these books with interactive toys so your child will have multiple opportunities and modalities to experience the idea of numbers. Having raised two math-minded children, I can tell you that hearing, touching, and seeing numbers are the perfect ways to expand and improve your child’s language skills.

The Best Counting Books for Kids

Each colorful block below represents the best book in a subgenre. Click on the arrow to reveal my “best” pick in any category. You’ll also be able to use a page jump to see more books in that section.

Counting Books for Babies

ten nine eight

Author: Molly Bang

Illustrator: Molly Bang

Year: 1996

Genre: Board Books

Age: 1 – 3

More info: Caldecott Honor Book

I love this counting-in-reverse story that starts with 10 toes and ends with a child tucked in for bed. This award winner has been a classic bedtime story for more than thirty years! The story features a Black father and baby which is sadly a rare site in baby books.

I’m convinced this story is the reason my son is obsessed with math. The rhythmic counting is soothing and, with the calming illustrations, the perfect story for lulling your child to sleep.

Find this book in: Counting Books / Best Books for a 1-Year-Old / Bedtime Books


Author: Christopher Franceschelli

Illustrator: Peski Studio

Year: 2014

Genre: Board Book

Age: 1 – 3

More info: Part of the Block Books Series

Because the words in this story are mostly sight words and kids are learning to recognize numbers up to 100, this makes a great first book for early readers.

I love this book series. It’s a fantastic board book with thick pages perfect for little hands. The illustrations hidden behind each number are so fun!

Find this book in: Counting Books

Five Little Monkeys

Author: Cottage Door Press

Year: 2018

Genre: Board Book

Age: 0 – 2

This adorable finger puppet book is interactive and fun. The repetition in this classic rhyme encourages language development and as children get older, they may start babbling along while you read.

The finger puppet encourages hand-eye coordination while they interact with the finger puppet on this book.

Find this book in: Counting Books / Interactive Books For Kids / Books for a 1-year-old / Books for Newborns

Counting Books for Toddlers

The very hungry catterpillar

Author: Eric Carle

Illustrator: Eric Carle

Year: 1968

Genre: Board Book

Age: 0 – 5

More info: International Bestseller

There are so many things about this classic book for kids that I love. Not only can you talk about days of the week, food, and counting, but you can follow the caterpillar on his journey to becoming a butterfly. When it comes to books for 3-year-olds, this one is tops.

This is a gorgeous introduction to nature, food, counting, and days of the week. It’s a classic for a reason!

Find this book in: 2-year-old Books / Classic Kids Books / Preschool Books About Food / Best Board Books / Educational Books for 3-year-olds / Counting Books

ten little ladybugs

Author: Melanie Gerth

Illustrator: Laura Huliska-Beith

Year: 2000

Genre: Board Book

Age: 1 – 3

More info:

This interactive book helps kids count from one to ten with little 3D ladybugs that appear on each page as you progress through the story.

I love that the raised ladybugs help tactile learners so it is a multi-sensory learning experience.

Find this book in: Counting Books / Best Books for a 1-Year-Old / Interactive Books for Kids


Author: Sandra Boyton

Illustrator: Sandra Boyton

Year: 1996

Genre: Board Books

Age: 0 – 3

In this counting book for a 1-year-old, adorable dogs count with barks causing a cacophony of noise.

Sandra Boyton makes lots of appearances on our baby lists because she GETS IT! She makes educational books for babies that are as cute as they are informative.

Find this book in: Counting Books / Best Books for a 1-Year-Old

llama llama numbers

Author: Anna Dewdney

Illustrator: JT Morrow

Year: 2021

Genre: Board Book

Age: 0 – 3

More info: Part of the Llama Llama Series

Llama Llama helps his mama clean up from a mess he made. Along the way, he practices his counting.

Get your little one ready for preschool by teaching numbers with Llama Llama. Your toddler will love the cute illustrations and you’ll love that they will be learning numbers 1-10.

Find this book in: Counting Books / Llama Llama Books

Counting books for Preschoolers

1 2 3 peas

Author: Keith Baker

Illustrator: Keith Baker

Year: 2014

Genre: Board Books

Age: 1 – 4

More info: The Peas Series

This charming story is one of the few counting books for toddlers that goes higher than 10! Count along with this onomatopoeia-filled story featuring everyone’s favorite peas.

I ADORE the Peas series. The rhyming words and charming pictures lend themselves to teaching lessons to young kids in a fun way.

pete the cat

Author: Eric Litwin

Illustrator: James Deans

Year: 2012

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 2 – 5

More info: New York Times Bestseller

Pete the Cat is back with his cool coat and its’ four groovy buttons. That is until he loses one button and only has three. As the story progresses, your child will count in reverse and learn subtraction simultaneously.

It’s the perfect preschool book to introduce math concepts.

Find this book in: Counting Books

One Duck Stuck

Author: Phyllis Root

Illustrator: Jane Chapman

Year: 2003

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 1 – 3

One Duck Stuck is one of the most popular counting books for good reason! It’s a charming tale about a duck who gets stuck in the mud and needs lots of friends to help him get unstuck.

Filled with onomatopoeia and alliteration, this is a great story to enhance verbal skills as well.

Find this book in: Counting Books

Counting Books for Kids

count on me

Author: Miguel Tanco

Illustrator: Miguel Tanco

Year: 2019

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 3 – 7

In a home with a musician, painter, and etymologist, one little girl explains that her passion is math. She outlines finding shapes and solving word problems, as she uses math throughout her day. The end of the book features her math journal, which is cleverly placed through the illustrations. In the journal, you can see all the math that she has pointed out explained.

I bought this story for my math-obsessed son. While it’s not technically a counting book, it’s a great story to show what happens when you take the building blocks of math (numbers, counting, etc) and apply them to harder concepts. I also love that the little mathematician is a girl!

Find this book in: Counting Books

place value

Author: David A. Adler

Illustrator: Edward Miller

Year: 2017

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 6 – 9

This book does such a good job of teaching children about place values. It breaks it down for little ones in an easy-to-understand manner that is perfect for beginning mathematicians!

For children struggling with learning place value, this illustrated book helps explain it in the best way!

The crayons book of numbers

Author: Drew Daywalt

Illustrator: Oliver Jeffers

Year: 2016

Genre: Board Book

Age: 1 – 3

More info: Part of The Day The Crayons Quit Board Book Series

The crayons are back in one of my favorite counting books for toddlers. Duncan has lost his crayons so you’ll be collecting them and counting along the way.

It’s such a charming addition to any toddler’s bookshelf, especially if your toddler loves the Crayons series.

Find similar books in: Books about Colors

Holiday Counting Books

at the old haunted house

Author: Helen Ketteman

Illustrator: Nate Wragg

Year: 2014

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 2 – 5

At the old haunted house, there are lots of monsters, witches, and other Halloween creatures. When children come and trick-or-treat, they find out the creatures are friendly and welcoming.

This book is fun for everyone. It’s a great story to embrace the holiday season while also teaching your child about counting!

Find this book in: Halloween Picture Books / Counting Books

MR. Pumpkins Tea Party

Author: Erin Barker

Illustrator: Erin Barker

Year: 2019

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 3 – 5

Mr. Pumpkin is having a tea party and all his spooky friends are coming with items to feed each other and decorate the table. This Halloween picture book is a counting book too as it counts up from 1 to 20.

I love that this book can help your little one with their counting skills while also getting them in the spooky spirit of the season!

Find this book in: Halloween Books for Kids / Counting Books

5 more sleeps til christmas

Author: Jimmy Fallon

Illustrator: Rich Deas

Year: 2020

Genre: Picture Book

Age: 3 – 6

As a child counts down the sleeps until Christmas, he talks about how hard it is to fall asleep when he’s excited. With charming pictures and a sweet story, I love this one as much as the Halloween version!

This is a cute one for working on counting or for reading as a book advent calendar for the holiday season. Try starting the book on the 5th night before Christmas and only reading a few pages until Christmas Eve!

Find this book in: Counting Books / Christmas Books for Kids

Dream snow

Author: Eric Carle

Illustrator: Eric Carle

Year: 2015

Genre: Board Books

Age: 2 – 4

I adore Carle’s straightforward, colorful style of illustration. The story features a farmer wanting snow for the holiday, which is perfect for little ones learning to count!

This is Eric Carle at his finest. If your toddler loves The Very Hungry Caterpillar, they will love this story too!

Find this book in: Counting Books / Christmas Books for Toddlers

Hanukkah a counting book

Author: Emily Sper

Year: 2010

Genre: Board Book

Age: 0 – 4

In this Hanukkah book for preschoolers, your child will learn to count to eight in Hebrew, English, and Yiddish. Be sure to add this to your counting books collection.

I love the triple language exposure this book brings and it’s cool how they made the candles light each night!

Find this book in: Counting Books / Hanukkah Books for Children

BTB Elements and icons 10
  • Tactical play reinforces learning. Try counting with toys while reading.
  • Count in the real world. Point at apples in the grocery store or the number of cars your child is playing with.
  • Ask your kiddo to count with their fingers as you read the pages.

Counting Toys

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a counting book?

Counting books are any book that introduces numbers and number order as well as counting. Counting books are the perfect way to introduce early math concepts while improving your child’s language skills.

How do you teach counting in a fun way?

Counting books are the perfect tool to teach counting in a fun way. The books that we have included in this list are both interactive and fun and the perfect way to engage your child while teaching them about numbers at the same time.


I found these counting books helpful when I was raising my children, but perhaps I didn’t include one you liked! Tell me below what your favorite counting books are.

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