How to Start a Book Club

Book clubs are such a fun way to connect with people but starting one can seem daunting. That is why I wanted to give you tips and tricks for how to start a book club.

How to start a book club

If you ever wondered how to start a book club, you are not alone. Maybe you love to read and want to talk about books with fellow book lovers. Maybe you don’t get to read as much as you would like and want to be encouraged to read more. Or maybe you want to try reading new genres. Whatever the reason for starting a book club, you have come to the right place.

If you love books and are eager to connect with fellow book lovers, starting a book club can be the perfect thing for you. Whether you want to discuss different genres, expand your reading horizons, or simply socialize, this guide will provide you with valuable tips and tricks to successfully launch and manage a book club.

From deciding on the club’s focus and finding members to selecting meeting locations and books, we’ll cover everything you need to know on how to start a book club for beginners.

How to Start A Book Club

1. Why Do You Want to Start a Book Club?

Answering these questions for yourself can help you with the next steps.

  • Is the purpose to socialize, make friends, read more, etc.?
  • Is the purpose a more academic and serious book talk?
  • Do you want to read specific genres, best-sellers, new releases, etc.?
  • Are you new to the area and want to make new friends?
  • Are you in a new stage of life and want to make new friends (eg. marriage, motherhood, divorce, retirement, etc.)

2. Decide What Kind of Book Club You Want to Start

If you are wondering how to start a book club, you will first want to consider why you want to start a book club.

You will want to ask yourself if your book club will focus on a specific genre or if there is a mix of genres you want to read. You will also want to consider if you are open to reading genres that you have never read or if you want to stick with what is comfortable and familiar.

Below we have our list of genres where you will find ultimate lists where you can find our favorite books in each genre subdivided into smaller categories

  • Contemporary Fiction: If you are wondering how to start a book club and want to look through the best contemporary fiction books, I have our ultimate list to help you pick.
  • Historical Fiction: Love historical fiction? If you are thinking of starting a book club, this ultimate list of mysteries is perfect for you.
  • Thriller: If you are wondering how to start a book club and want to look through thriller books, I have our ultimate list to help you pick.
  • Mystery: Love mysteries? If you are wondering how to start a book club, this ultimate list of mysteries is perfect for you.
  • Fantasy or YA Fantasy: Are fantasy books your thing? If you are thinking about starting a book club and want to look through the best fantasy books, I have our ultimate list to help you pick.
  • Non-Fiction: Love non-fiction? If you are wondering how to start a book club, and are looking for some inspiration, this ultimate list of non-fiction books is perfect for you.
  • Romance: If you are wondering how to start a book club and want to look through romance books, I have our ultimate list that will provide you with inspiration.

2. Figure Out How to Find Members / Who You Want to Invite

When you are considering how to run a book club, the next step in the process should be deciding who to invite. Deciding on the type of book club you want to have will help you decide who you want to invite.

  1. The first thing you may want to decide when deciding how to start a book club is how many people you want in your book club. Small book clubs with 3-5 people can feel comfortable and intimate with everyone getting a chance to talk about the book.

Larger book clubs, with more than 10 members, can be entertaining because of the different perspectives but more difficult for everyone to talk.

2. The next thing you will want to decide when choosing who to invite is if you wish to invite friends/family only or if you want to include people you don’t know (eg. friends of friends/ acquaintances).

The pros are that you can have more diverse perspectives with members that you do not already know well. There are a few ways to go about finding new members:

  • invite 3-4 friends and ask them to each invite 3-4 friends
  • Use social media to put out a call for new members. This is especially helpful if your group will be meeting virtually. Be sure to specify.
  • Ask 3-4 friends to join from different social circles- eg: friends, work friends, social clubs, religious groups, etc.

When you are thinking about how to start a book club, you will also want to decide how you want the book club to feel. Will this be fun, casual, and laid back, or will the meetings be more structured and organized? Be sure to let everyone know how you will be running the book club so they are sure it is what they are looking for.

3. Decide Where & When To Meet

The next thing you want to consider when thinking about how to start a book club is where you want to hold your book club.

Will you meet in a public place, online, or at someone’s house? Each one of these choices can create a distinct feel for your book club.

Will you be meeting in the same place every month or will you be rotating?

Each of these options is important to consider when starting a book club. Where you hold your meetings will be a big factor in determining the vibe of your book club.

You will also need to decide when you want to meet. How often book clubs meet is completely up to you. Most book clubs meet every 4-6 weeks but you can choose how often your book club meets. You may want to use factors such as:

1. How long is the book we are reading
2. How much time do the members have to read?
3. When does the book club meet?

4. Establishing Guidelines: What are the Book Club Rules

The most important guideline you need to think about when you are thinking about starting a book club is to be kind. I cannot emphasize enough that a book club cannot be successful if its members are not open to new ideas.

You will also want to make sure that everyone has a chance to speak and that no one person is dominating the discussion. You can decide as a group if this needs to be formally discussed.

When you are thinking about how to start a book club, do not forget logistics, the most important being how you will communicate. Tools like Google Hangouts, Facebook groups, or dedicated apps for book club discussions can be a great way to keep members updated.

There are a number of options for food and drink options as well including potluck style gatherings vs. hosting meetings at restaurants or cafes. You may want to discuss this will all members or decide this in advance.

The last point of conversation is whether reading the book should be mandatory. Will you want to discuss spoilers? Are you ok with having a more general discussion if members have not read the book? This is an important conversation that members of the book club should have before the first meeting

  1. Be kind and be open to new ideas and opinions
  2. Create guidelines for how you will communicate
  3. Establish food and drink guidelines
  4. Is it mandatory that attendees have read the book?
  5. Give everyone a chance to speak

5. Choose Your Book

When you are thinking about how to start a book club, the most important thing is deciding how to choose your book.

  1. Voting or rotation: Consider options like having each member suggest a book, rotating choices, or selecting books collectively.
  2. External recommendations: Exploring trusted sources like curated lists, recommendations from friends, or popular book club picks. We have a list of the best books for book clubs right here.
  3. Do you all want to read the same book or do you want to read the same genre for a more open discussion?
  4. Decide how far in advance you want to choose your books. Do you want to pick each month or decide 6 months or a year in advance?

There are many ways to get books for your book club and this is another important factor when thinking about how to start a book club.

  • Kindle: Most books are available on Kindle. This is a light and portable way to read books
  • If you love audiobooks, will allow you to listen while also supporting independent bookstores.
  • More audible alternatives: Finding an alternative to audible if you love to listen to books can be confusing. You can use this post to help you choose.
  • If you want to purchase a physical book, consider supporting independent bookstores with

6. How to Run a Book Club Discussion

When you are wondering how to start a book club, you cannot overlook the next step which is what to do in a book club meeting and the book club discussion itself.

You will need to determine how will you pick discussion questions. Will one person run each meeting or will members each be responsible for thinking of a question in advance of the meeting?

Remember, your book club will be whatever you want it to be. You can share your love for literature, connect with like-minded individuals, and explore new genres. By following the guidelines outlined in this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well-equipped to launch a successful book club and foster a thriving community of readers. Happy reading and discussing!

I have a list of universal Book Club Questions (+PDF) that you can use for every book club!

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If you are starting a book club, these are the easy steps to get started. You will need to decide:

  1. Why you want to start a book club
  2. What kind of book club do you want
  3. Who you will invite to join the book club
  4. Where and when to meet
  5. Guideline and rules
  6. How you will choose your book
  7. How you will run the discussion

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I Start and Organize a Book Club?

How to Start a book club

You can start and organize a book club in a few easy steps:
1. Decide what kind of book club you want to start
2. Figure out how to find members/ who you want to invite
3. Decide where, when, and how you want to meet
4. Create guidelines/ rules for the book club
5. Pick a book
6. Determine how you will run the book club discussion

How Often Do Book Clubs Meet?

That is completely up to you. Most book clubs meet every 4-6 weeks but you can choose how often your book club meets. You may want to use factors such as
1. How long is the book we are reading
2. How much time do the members have to read?
3. When does the book club meet?


Was this post: How to start a book club helpful? If you are looking for more book club ideas, head to these amazing posts.

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Best Books for Book Clubs to Read in 2023

If you love this post on how to start a book club, you will love our list of best books for book clubs to read.

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