Jackie’s Top 10 All-Time Favorite Books to Read Now

Coming up with a list of my top ten favorite books was a difficult task for me because there are so many books that I love. I have loved reading my entire life so picking from 40+ years of books was not easy.

Jackies Favorite Books

I will admit that when Kirsten suggested we do a post of our all-time favorite books, I agreed without thinking it through.  The funny thing is that I can probably name at least 6/10 of Kirsten’s favorites but, coming up with mine was an ordeal.  There are so many books that I love for so many different reasons. 

There are books that I read at the perfect time, books that I have related to, books that have taught me something, and books that I connect to on an emotional level. But, let me be clear, finding just 10 books was NOT an easy task. 

This is one of the hardest posts that I have had to write.  I debated, I changed my mind, and then I called my mother. In the end, I was able to find my top ten books by dividing them into categories like literary fiction, classics, epic read, and fantasies.  These books are my favorites but, after all the debating, I admit that they are not the entire list. Maybe I will have to do part 2.  I hope you enjoy my all-time favorite books.

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Jackie’s All-Time Favorite Historical Fiction Books

Hum if You dont know the words

Author: Bianca Marais

Year: 2017

Genre: Historical fiction

More info: Characters from this book appear in If You Want to Make God Laugh

Age Range: 14+

This coming-of-age story examines the relationship between a black woman named Beauty and a white girl named Robyn in apartheid South Africa in 1976. This novel is a brutally honest and emotionally compelling story, unlike anything I have ever read.

This book begins just before the 1976 Soweto uprising in which thousands of black students marched in protest of the apartheid government. Though the protest was peaceful, police open-fired killing a hundred children.

This historical fiction led to the most amazing discussions with our book club. The characters jump off the page. I was completely absorbed from the first sentence on the first page until the last page of the book. It is a powerful and poignant book.

War, parental death

I had never read anything about the Soweto uprising. Even though this is a book filled with deep and emotional plotlines, there were times in the book that I laughed out loud. This is the first book from Marais and is a brilliant debut novel.

This was a powerful novel that impacted me emotionally on so many levels. At the same time, the book never felt too heavy and I felt compelled to keep reading. I loved the characters and their development from the beginning to the end of the book.

Find this book in: Ultimate List of Historical Fiction Books / Jackie’s All-Time Favorite Books / Novels About Africa

water for elephants

Author: Sara Gruen

Year: 2006

Genre: Historical Fiction

More info: A Major Motion Picture starring Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson, and Christoph Waltz

Age Range: 16+

I read this book long before we started the blog and I still recommend this book to everyone as a must-read. 

It is the middle of the Great Depression and Jacob is orphaned just shy of earning his Veterinary degree. He finds himself a job with a circus caring for a menagerie as a way to continue working with animals but also to support himself.

Here he meets Marlena, the beautiful star of the show, and an untrainable elephant named Rosie. I loved everything about this book from the romance and tension to the beauty of the animals and their relationship with the people around them.

Animal Cruelty

This is a unique story, unlike anything I have ever read. I am a huge animal lover and so this book spoke to my heart

The relationship between Marlena and Jacob develops beautifully with such love and respect. It is a love story to be remembered.

Find this book in: Animal Novels for Adults / Jackie’s All-Time Favorite Books / Best Romance Novels of All Time / Historical Fiction Romance / Carnival and Circus Books

The Nightingale

Author: Kristin Hannah

Year: 2015

Genre: Historical Fiction

More info: March 2023 Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick

Age Range: 16+

This is a remarkable story of two sisters who live in France. As historical fiction goes, this one set the standard for me. It is one of my all-time favorite books. It details how they survive the Second World War under Nazi Occupation. The sisters are separated by time and have completely different experiences in the war. 

This book is one of the books that should be read in a lifetime. It is a total tear-jerker and should be essential reading! If you have not read this book and are looking for a pick for your next book club, you should consider this one. I will also point out that this is a book about WWII, not the Holocaust. While there is a subplot with a Jewish character, this by no means is a book about the Jewish experience during the war.


The powerful story and the bonds of sisterhood in this book make it an unforgettable book. I cannot wait to see the movie adaptation

I love historical fiction and read them all the time. This book was still filled with surprises and the writing grabbed me from the first page.

Elle and Dakota Fanning are set to produce and star in the film adaptation of this book which has been in the works for quite some time!

Find this book in: Books about WWII / Books Set in France / Books About Sisters and Sisterhood / Books About Female Spies / Books Becoming Movies

the count of Monte Cristo 1

Author: Alexander Dumas

Year: 1844

Genre: Historical Fiction

More info: Translated from French

Age Range: 14+

The first time I read this book was actually before I saw the movie Shawshank Redemption. I read it a bunch of times and loved it.  I did not realize, however, that it was an abridged version.

When I was at University, I embarked on a journey to read the unabridged version of this book.  I was so amazed at the brilliance and detail that it has been a favorite ever since.

Edmund Dantès is thrown into the Chateau D’If for a crime he did not commit. There, he meets a fellow prisoner who teaches him to read and write, math, languages, and how to fight, all within the confines of their cells before telling him of a treasure. When the other prisoner dies, Dantès escapes and seeks his revenge on those who had him sent to prison. All of this is set in the time of Napolean Bonaparte who is a part of the political landscape of the book.

There is a reason this classic is still read today. This is the original story of revenge. The writing, plot, and details in this book are unsurpassed.

Find this book in: Best Classic Novels / Literary Classics Worth Reading / Jackie’s Top 10 All-Time Favorite Books / Books Set in France to Love / Books with Food in the Title

Jackie’s All-Time Favorite Fantasy Books

night circus

Author: Erin Morgenstern

Year: 2011

Genre: Historical Fantasy Romance

Spice Rating:đź’‹

Age Range: 14+

The scene has been set for a magical competition between the pupils of two very powerful magicians. The stage: The Night Circus. The pupils, a man & a woman, are unsure of the rules, unsure of how to win, or when the competition will end.

As the competition continues, the opponents fall in love – a situation that only complicates their predicament. They are never quite sure of the rules or how to win.

Every word captivated me from beginning to end and I couldn’t put it down. The story was magical- both literally and figuratively and the descriptions are so vivid. This is one of my all-time favorite books. I have read this book a few times and each time, I get something different from the story.

This is magic in a way that I never imagined it before. The story has twists and surprises that left me wondering how I didn’t see what was right there all along.

Find this book in: Best Romance Novels of all Time / The Best Carnival and Circus Books / Books Like the Hunger Games / Books Like the Night Circus / Cozy Books / Best Adult Fantasy Novels

the magic strings of frankie presto

Author: Mitch Album

Year: 2015

Genre: Magical Realism

Age Range: 14+

This is one of the best books that I have ever listened to. It is narrated by “Music” who tells the story of a magician named Frankie Presto. 

Frankie was orphaned and lived with his blind music teacher in Spain before he was sent to America with only his guitar and its size magical strings. Frankie’s music has the power to change people’s lives and every time he does, one magic string changes color. Frankie works with musical legends and eventually becomes a star himself before disappearing from the spotlight.

Multiple people narrate this book, which is more like a play than a book when you are listening. I loved this book and bought a copy which I lent to an unnamed person who loved it and did not return it.  My second copy has met the same fate.  Third time’s a charm? The story made me feel like I should have known Frankie along with all the great musical legends.

Find this book in: Full Cast Audiobooks / Books About Music / Magical Realism Book / Jackie’s Top 10 All-Time Favorite Books / Adult Fantasy Novels

the House in the Cerulean Sea

Author: T.J Klune

Year: 2020

Genre: Fantasy

More info: Cerulean Chronicles #1

Spice Rating:đź’‹

Age Range: 14+

Linus Baker is a caseworker in the Department in Charge of Magical Youth. He is sent on a mission to a secret orphanage isolated on an island where 6 of the world’s most dangerous youth live. 

Linus is sent to determine if the children are being cared for properly. Linus, who lives his life by the book, will have to look deeper to try and find the real answers to his questions.

Child abuse

This story was so much more than the sum of its parts. I felt like I had met each of the children in the story. Even though the story has magic, it somehow seems completely relevant to our society now. The magic and the orphan aspect are all reminiscent of Harry Potter.

Find this book in: Magical Realism Books / Feel-Good Books / Book for Book Club / Books About Friendship / Books With Color in the Title / Best Beach Reads / Adult Books Similar to Harry Potter

Jackie’s All-Time Favorite Fiction

A man called ove

Author: Fredrik Backman

Year: 2014

Genre: Fiction

More info: A recent Motion Picture Called A Man Called Otto Starring Tom Hanks

Age Range: 16+

Ove is mourning the loss of his wife and is consumed with grief. He decided to end his life. His attempts are foiled by mishaps and interruptions from his new neighbors. While this sounds like a depressing book, I laughed out loud while reading it.

Mr. Backman has a beautiful way of capturing the reader’s interest with wonderful characters who find themselves in hilarious situations. But, this story is so much more than that. As it progresses, Ove is able to have a profound impact on the life of everyone he meets, and at its heart, it is a book about friendship.

But don’t let the description throw you off. At its heart, this is one of the best feel-good books and one of my all-time favorite books! If you have not read it, you should consider it for your book club.

Attempted Suicide

The love and friendships that develop in this book are almost unmatched, in my opinion. Backman is a master story teller.

This is a book that allowed me to laugh and cry equally. I loved Ove and his second chance at living life.

Find this book in: Ultimate List of Contemporary Fiction / Books Like A Man Called Ove / Books About Friendship / Jackie’s Top 10 All-Time Favorite Books

All-Time Favorite Books: Middle Grade Picks

Harry Potter

Author: J. K Rowling

Year: 1998

Genre: Middle-Grade fantasy

More info: Harry Potter #1 of 7

Age Range: 8+ (note that some of the later books in the series may not be appropriate until a bit older)

I was in university when this book was published and the first four were sitting on my younger brother’s bookshelf before I picked it up to see what the fuss was about. I read all four books in as many days and was married with a child before the final book was published. 

This story introduces us to Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger; our fearless trio.  We also meet the other favorite beloved and detested characters that make the Harry Potter book series so special. After all, what would Hogwarts be without Hagrid, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Draco Malfoy?

Parental death

I firmly believe that JK Rowling changed children’s literature more profoundly than any other author. I realize that this is a very strong statement. But, until her, there have never been books that have had such an impact on the world of reading. The books are so brilliantly laid out with easter eggs in book one that are essential for the entire plot. I believe this is one of the best fantasy series ever written.

In my opinion, this is the best children’s fantasy series ever written. It features strong lessons on morality, inventive plotlines, and hidden threads woven throughout the entire series. Jim Dale’s audiobook narration of this book is award-winning. He voices over 200 characters, each with distinct accents and my kids have listened to the entire series multiple times.

Find this book in: Halloween Chapter Books / Audiobooks for Kids / Harry Potter Books in Order / Books like Percy Jackson / Fantasy Books for Tweens / Magic School Books / Jackie’s Favorite Books / Kirsten’s Favorite Books / Books to Read Aloud

anne of Green gables

Author: L. M. Montgomery

Year: 1908

Genre: Classic

Age: 10+

More info: Anne of Green Gables #1

I was immediately drawn to Anne upon first reading this story. She is smart, precocious, and has a way of making everyone love her while simultaneously finding new ways to get into trouble. 

Anne is an orphan sent to live with siblings Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert who wanted a male orphan to help them on the farm. Anne was sent to them instead. She is bright, loquacious, and wins their hearts.

I cherish this entire book series and the TV miniseries inspired by it. I vividly remember watching Megan Follows as Anne completely transfixed. I was so enamored, that I remember asking my grandmother to get me the books to read!

This is one of my all-time favorite books. Something is comforting about this cozy book that makes me read it repeatedly. It is a beautiful book about friendship and found family. Because of this book, I hope to visit Prince Edward Island one day.

Find this book in: Coming-of-Age Books / Friendship Books / Realistic Fiction / Books with Green in the Title / Fun Books for Teens

Jackie’s Favorite Books of 2024

  1. The Paris Novel by Rtuh Reichl
  2. The Berlin Letters by Katherine Reay
  3. The Lost Story by Meg Shaffer
  4. Uncomfortable Conversations with a Jew by Emmanuel Acho and Noa Tishby
  5. A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey
  6. The Love of My Afterlife by Kristy Greenwood
  7. How to Age Disgracefully by Clare Pooley
  8. Listen for the Lie by Amy Tintera
  9. A Novel Lover Story by Ashley Poston
  10. The Women by Kristin Hannah
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What are your favorite books? Have you read any of these? I would love to know whether we have similar reading tastes. If there is a book that you read and you think I will love it, I want to hear about it!

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