Book Lists for 7-Year-Olds

Are you ready for a ton of books for your new reader? Then you’ve come to the right place! We’ve got an amazing selection of book lists for 7-year-olds to enjoy. Scroll down to find your next favorite read!

Book lists for 7-year-olds
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The Best Books for 7-Year-Olds

If you don’t know where to start on your chapter book journey, this is the list for you.

It includes 40+ mini-book reviews separated by sub-genre from animal books to historical fiction to non-fiction, fantasy, and more. With easy navigation tools and great book recommendations, this is the list you’ll come back to again and again.

Reading Readiness Book Lists for 7-Year-Olds

Depending on your child’s reading level, these reading readiness book lists might be helpful. The beginning readers are for children just learning to decode while the early readers are some basic, easy chapter books for your new independent reader.

beginning readers

The Best Books for Beginning Readers

Get suggestions for decodable books, stories that teach sight words, and phonics books to help your new reader learn the basics of reading.

There is also a section on tips to help encourage your child. These kiddos have a lot of new information to process, so try to keep reading fun!

Early reader

Early Reader Books for Emergent Readers Learning New Words

Get tips on how to create a library filled with the perfect early reader books for your new reader!

We break the book suggestions into levels so that you can upgrade your child’s book selection as they learn to decode words more easily and become more confident with reading overall.

For more early chapter books, scroll down to see our full collection of book lists for 7-year-olds!

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New and Upcoming Releases

The hottest newest and upcoming books for 7-year-olds so you can find the latest book releases by month or season.

For daily book reviews, author interviews, and reading challenge tracking, follow us on Instagram!

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More Book Lists for 7-Year-Olds

The book lists below are carefully curated with our favorite beginning and early reader books. You’ll find posts featuring books about camp, spies, mysteries, candy, WW2, Holiday books, and more.

Have a special request? Drop a comment or send us an email to let us know if you want a customized list based on your favorite book or sub-genre.

Which book lists for 7-year-olds are your favorite? Did you find anything you are eager to read?

Want to enhance your reading and explore new genres? Check out the complete list of reading challenges here.