2021 Summer Reading Challenge

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If you’ve been around here for a while, you know that each year we release an Ultimate Beach Read guide for the summer. Inspired by our annual reading challenge, we’ve also created the 2021 adult Summer reading challenge!

2021 Adult Summer Reading Challenge

We also wanted to do something a little different this year to spice up summer reading. Summer Reading Bingo is a fun way to track your summer reads. Why should kids get all the fun?

We thought it would be a fun game to play on Instagram. Don’t want to play along? You can skip over to the beach hub to see all our past summer and beach reading lists!

If you subscribe to our newsletter, you know that each quarter we release a free magazine with reading challenge picks and new release highlights. Now, you’ll get a downloadable version of Summer Reading Bingo too!

Summer Reading Bingo, the 2021 adult Summer reading challenge

Summer Reading Bingo Rules

In order to play along with the Adult Summer Reading Challenge, you will need to screenshot the template over on Instagram!

When you upload the post to stories, simply add in text or an image of the book you read over the prompt. Be sure to tag us to enter the drawing for the prizes!

What are the prizes you might be asking? Well if you get a standard bingo (1 line, any direction), you will be entered to win a $25 to Bookshop.org. If you fill the entire board, you are eligible to win the jackpot prize – $100 to Bookshop.org.

We realize that reading 24 books between Memorial Day and Labor Day is a little bit of a stretch, which is why Summer Reading Bingo starts on May 1! If you are crafty, your choices might be able to fill more than one box.

Be sure to follow us, tag, and enter before September 6. But you can feel free to tag us as your fill-in the books along the way. We are looking forward to sharing everyone’s Bingo boards all summer long!

The contest is open to USA participants only. The contest ends at 11:59 pm on September 6th. The winner will be chosen by getcombot.com and notified via direct message. Giveaway not affiliated with Instagram or Bookshop.org

2021 adult Summer reading challenge

Summer Reading Bingo Prompts

Looking for book suggestions for each of the prompts? We’ve got you covered with the list below.

Some of the accompanying book lists are coming out in the months ahead, so check back for an update. Happy Reading!

Are you inspired to participate in the 2021 Adult Summer Reading Challenge?